Origin Of The Faeces: Massive Animal Poo Collection Drops In Kingston

Tracey Lee — an artist and former senior zookeeper at London Zoo — has been collecting poo for 22 years.

Here’s a show that’s set to make a splash.

Tracey Lee — an artist and former senior zookeeper at London Zoo — has been collecting animal poo for 22 years now, and thought it was high time she made an exhibition out of it.

Enter Origin Of The Faeces: Poo from the Zoo, a display of over 100 preserved animal poos, courtesy of endangered gorillas (looks like a kebab apparently — lovely), Sumatran tigers, and the tadpole-esque droppings of a Galapagos tortoise. The show also includes the last elephant dung ball to be dropped in London Zoo — the sample that started Lee out on her excremental journey.

The free exhibition is on at new multi-arts venue FUSEBOX in Kingston for a short run (7-28 October), so plop, sorry, pop those dates in your diary.

As much as this is guaranteed to set the kids a-giggling, Origin Of The Faeces is rich in educational goodness. Says Lee: “This isn’t just about poo; it’s about capturing the essence of these magnificent animals in a way that’s both educational and eye-opening. It’s a celebration of nature’s diversity, while also a sobering reminder of the environmental challenges we face.”

Origin Of The Faeces: Poo from the Zoo, FUZEBOX, 7-28 October 2023, free

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